He may not come when you want him but he’s always right on time. Hallelu hallelu hallelu .. This song always plays in my head when I’ve been waiting and waiting on God, and he finally comes through. Waiting out the delays in response time can be hard. Anxiety, fear, and worry can easily start to creep in, but I am learning to maintain my faith, even in the delays. Have you ever been running late somewhere and on the way you pass a bad wreck and think, “Wow, that could’ve been me” ?
I do believe most things happen for a reason. From time to time, I have examined my life and wondered why something happened or didn’t happen. I’ve thought about why I was not at some specific place in life that I thought I’d be at by a specific time. I’ve wondered why I’ve had to go through some of the things I’ve had to go through.
It has become clear to me over time, that some of the delays I’ve experienced in life have been for my own good. I have found that when something was delayed, I was not ready anyway. Often times, I thought I had a grip on a situation but did not in actuality and the delays made it possible for me to gain clarity. Other times, I’ve experienced delays that allowed the true colors of other people to shine through.
3 Reasons for Delays
- You are not ready yet. Many times we want things that we are not prepared for. There may be things you still need to learn. You may be lacking important qualities in your character. You may need to master where you are before moving to the next level.
- The blessing isn’t ready yet. God is a master coordinator. He knows each factor that will affect every particular outcome. The set for the bless up is real. There are circumstances that you could not anticipate,that he already knows about. He may be putting the right people in the right places years before you encounter them at the right time. The societal atmosphere, advancements in technology, the structure of your family, are among numerous variables that can play a role in when your blessing is due.
- What you are asking for is not for you. Sometimes the things we want are not meant for us. Trust that God knows best and has something better in store for you. Stay open to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new possibilities.
I always have to remind myself that God knows best. The Bible urges us to not become weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Keep faith and work towards your dreams and goals, and at the right time your blessings will be more than you ever thought of receiving. Remember also, that a delay is not necessarily a denial. Trust God’s timing.
Loved it. I second you. `god has the perfect timing for everything.
Thank you so much for reading! It has proven to be true in my life. Although it can be difficult to relinquish the fear and trust in God, it can bring so much peace when you do.